

The MINDCAP Center’s founder, Dr. Jeanne Zehr will give you the right blocks to build that 3 pounds of cerebral muscle: yours, your child’s, or those young adults who you teach or mentor.

Block by block, thought by thought, now is the time to build a better brain!

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About the Podcast

Israeli psychologist, Reuven Feuerstein, described our psychological networks in a theory that was ahead of its time called “Structural Cognitive Modifiability.” This theory identified 28 cognitive functions, how our learning and thinking structures are cohesive (they network), are transformative (they can change), and they can self-perpetuate (they carry on without prompting). This also describes neuroplasticity, the science of how the brain can change. How does this happen? By neurons adding dendrites to make new networks. So we can literally build our brain - dendrite by dendrite - block by block - thought by thought!

On this podcast, we are going to explore these 28 thinking skills that are the building blocks of thinking, learning, and living! Acquire these and you can move up in your job, move faster in school, move more confidently through life.

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