Diagnosis Doesn’t Get the Final Word

Everyone can improve their cognition, regardless of the cause of a cognitive challenge. We work with clients of all ages to make advances in cognitive, emotional, and social skills to improve function, obtain goals, and impact quality of life. We believe that it is never too late for hope, and that a diagnosis does not define a person.

What is The MINDCAP Center?

Find out in this overview video from The MINDCAP Center founder Dr. Jeanne Zehr.

What is the Feuerstein Method?

The Feuerstein Method teaches the skill of learning how to learn. We offer tools and techniques to identify and enhance a person's learning potential. The MINDCAP team is trained in the Feuerstein Method and offers services and training locally as well as training internationally. All Feuerstein training offered by MINDCAP is certified by the Feuerstein Institute...

Enhance Your Learning Potential »


Cognitive Enrichment

Do you or your child have a cognitive challenge caused by ADD, Age Related Cognitive Decline, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Brain Injury, Giftedness, or Spina Bifida?

Enhance Learning »


Are you an educator who needs PGPs to relicense or a therapist who would like training in our cognitive development strategies?

Training Opportunities »


​What do a woman who survived trauma, a gifted boy, a single mother, and a non-verbal boy with Cerebral Palsy have in common? Much, when mediation happens! Learn about some powerful connections happening at MINDCAP in the video above.


“Basic 1 and 2 training has given me excellent tools for my tool belt as I do educational therapy in a private school. MindCAP has been a great place to grow!”

- L. Weideman, Educational Therapist

“This unique and international approach to thinking skills certainly helps those in our community with cognitive challenges.”

- I. Walters, Fort Wayne, IN

“I strongly believe that if physicians know that this type of program exists to address the cognitive and behavioral needs of the patients, they will be much more likely to perform developmental screening. Indiana has a dismal rate of timely developmental screening and I know we can do better. My goal is that all children are physically, mentally and spiritually healthy and educated to their highest potential. MindCAP is a critical resource we need to begin to ensure all of Allen County's children are ready to embrace their academic potential.”

- D.A. McMahan, MD, Health Commissioner, Fort Wayne-Allen County Department of Health

“In December of 2014, D was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of two. Throughout his treatment, D’s development began to fall behind that of his twin brother; a result of something called “chemo brain”. Over the summer that bridged pre-K and Kindergarten, D was given the opportunity to participate in MINDCAP’s Clarity for Kids program through Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana. During the 6-months of the program, we saw improvements in D’s fine motor skills as well as his behavior. At the beginning, he wasn’t able to physically connect dots but improved immensely by focusing, looking ahead to the dots, making a plan, and persevering; all cognitive strategies used in the MINDCAP program. We found that using such strategies led to less frustration from D as well as my husband and myself. We have continued to bring D to MINDCAP over summer and winter breaks and are happy to report he continues to grow in his academic development. D’s favorite subject is math, one that is still difficult for him to grasp as quickly as his peers, but he rarely gets frustrated and is happy taking his time to get to the correct answer. We are extremely grateful to have found the program and hope that other cancer patients and survivors are fortunate enough to benefit from MINDCAP.”

- A.D., mother of an elementary-aged son

Build A Brain Podcast

Build A Brain Podcast Logo

The MINDCAP Center’s founder, Dr. Jeanne Zehr will give you the right blocks to build that 3 pounds of cerebral muscle: yours, your child’s, or those young adults who you teach or mentor.

Block by block, thought by thought, now is the time to build a better brain!