Feuerstein Training Map

The MINDCAP Center has been training individuals in the Feuerstein Method since 2015. Though we are based in the Midwest, our reach is global--there are Feuerstein graduates throughout the country, and even the world!

Dunia Ruff

Saint Paul, MN


Dunia B. Ruff is a retired bilingual ( English-Spanish) teacher and Teacher Coach from Saint Paul Public Schools. She has her master’s degree in the Science of Education, a license to to teach ESL, training in Cognitive Coaching and Reading Recovery. In addition she is certified in the Instrumental Enrichment Program by Dr Feuerstein and currently has a practice as a Cognitive Development Coach working with children and adults. She and her husband, Paul, have four adult children. Her major joy in life is being a grandmother to her four grandchildren.


Course Trainer(s) Certification
Standard 1 Jeanne Zehr 6/19/2015
Standard 2 Jeanne Zehr 6/19/2015
Standard 3 Jeanne Zehr 6/11/2021
LPAD 1 Jeanne Zehr 6/17/2022
Tactile J. Zehr 6/9/2023
Standard 2 Jeanne Zehr 8/13/2021
LPAD - S Dr. Jeanne Zehr 10/28/2022